GSoC 2023

Welcome to the SCORE Lab Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2023 project ideas page. We are a dynamic and enthusiastic nonprofit research lab pioneering in Computer Security, and Software Tools, and is one of the best labs in South Asia. This is the 6th time that we are participating in the GSoC, we will use this page to develop possible project ideas that have on the above mentioned areas. Please note that anyone who is interested can participate in this process. You do not have to be a GSoC student or mentor to suggest possible project ideas. You can also talk to us about possible project ideas and we are happy to improve or heip you with them. Please keep in mind that projects need to be realistically something that is able to be functionally completed by a student working full time for about eight weeks. Thanks!
- Mailing List:!forum/score-community
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- Proposal Template:
Idea List for 2023
The following is the idea list for Google Summer of Code 2023
Important Guidelines on Submitting Ideas
There are some important guidelines to submit ideas, please read these carefully before adding your ideas!
- There is a fixed time period for implementing and coding your ideas
- Come up with attainable goals and you will be able to complete what you set out to do. You can always contact our mentors and community and get an idea about the workload and whether you might be able to complete them.
- You are free to come up with your own ideas. The ideas should be about Internet of Things (IOT), Computer Security and Software Tools. Also if you love to work on any of these subjects but do not have an idea you can always contact us.
- Lets Talk! The best way to solve problems that you might have is to contact our mentors and also our community.
- We encourage you to do documentation so that we can keep track of your progress and also help you if things are not going according to plan. Although not compulsory we have a strong belief that this method can cut down your time to code and also the workload of the mentors drastically.
- Please send your new project ideas to gsoc[at]
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