The SCoRe Lab has conducted research covering various aspects of sensor networks, embeded systems, digital forensic, information security, mobile applications, cloud, blockchain and software tools.
About Us
The SCoRe Lab has conducted research covering various aspects of sensor networks, embeded systems, digital forensic, information security, mobile applications, cloud, blockchain and software tools. The goal of our research is to generate computing solutions through identifying low cost methodologies and strategies that lead to sustainability.At present, the SCoRe group is at a stage of its evolution in which it has been able to secure high donor confidence as evidenced by simultaneous foreign funded projects. SCoRe group studies and produces sustainable computing solutions with respect to low cost computing and communication foundations in the developing and emerging regions in the world. We have developed several affordable and sustainable ICT solutions specially focusing the requirements in the developing region. These solutions are briefly described in the projects section.
Recent Articles

An Adaptive Sensor Actuator System for Elephant Tracking for elephant detection and early warnings. The system will exploit the recent advances in flying robotic (quadcopter) and wireless sensor network (WSN) technology,...

Animal Rescue
AnimalRescue App initiative to develop a mobile app to track animals that are in need of help. AnimalRescue app connect animal lovers, vets, and other NGOs in real time. They can track the animals that actually need the...

Bassa is automated Download Queue for Enterprise to take the best use of Internet bandwidth. It solves the problem of wasting internet bandwidth by queuing a download if it is larger than a given threshold value in high...

Bug Zero
Bug Zero is the only and the biggest bug bounty platform in Sri Lanka. Bug Zero came into play as a result of a collaboration between ScoreLab and BLUES (UC Berkeley - USA). Bug Zero provides an array of services and pro...

Drone for(4) Dengue is a system for detecting mosquito breeding sites via drone images. The system provides a low cost drone management system for the different types of users.

Dronesym is a platform enabling users to handle and track their drone fleets in real time. Users can have functionality to add new drones configure their flight paths and monitor their progress through a web dashboard.

Elly mobile app is developed to spot elephants in wildlife parks with their locations and other information. Users can upload their own images of elephants, spotted by them with the necessary details and also they can ch...

Fact Bounty
Fact Bounty is a crowd sourced based fact checking platform. Using Fact Bounty, you will be able to find out the truth and minimize the spread of false news and rumors. This app builds to leverage the power of intelligen...

Label Lab
LabelLab is an image analyzing and classification platform which allow users to upload batches of images and classify them with labels. It will also have the features to run classifications against a trained model. Label...

OpenMF is an open source forensic tool for Android smart phones that helps digital forensic investigators throughout the life cycle of digital forensic investigation.

Park mobile app is developed as a guide app to Sri Lankan national parks. Users can find details about each national park and they can upload images spotted at the parks.

SenZ is a new kind of query language that can be used to communicate with IoT devices. It is easily integrable, incredibly fast, and is in the highest end of security integration. Also, it is developed live.

Sequza a platform to aid vulnerability remediation. We developed the Sequza platform to conduct vulnerability remediation in large-scale software projects. Sequza came into play as a result of a collaboration between Sco...

Stackle is a web communication portal aimed at providing Open Source organizations a platform to have discussions on their GitHub projects and their issues. It provides GitHub integration, which allows the administrator...

TrackPal is a public based mobile application that implemented using react-native and Go-social components. By using this mobile application, users can share their locations when they are on a bus or train and that share...
A Quadcopter Controller to Maintain Radio Link Quality
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications for Civilian Use - 2015
TikiriAC: Node-level equally distributed access control for shared sensor networks
Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks - 2010
A Feature Selection Method for Twitter News Classification
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing - 2014
A review of domain adaptation for opinion detection and sentiment classification
Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), 2012 International Conference on - 2012
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