
Bug Zero Support Site

Welcome to Bug Zero Support Site!

This is where you can get familiar with Bug Zero and explore our product features. We provide some tips here that you might find useful. This site is open to all and we welcome your feedback!

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Getting started

Who are we?

We, at Bug Zero provide end to end support for every bug bounty programs.

If you are a hacker and want to learn more about the security vulnerability ecosystem, we provide a platform to learn security by testing real-world systems while earning money for security bugs you find. We also provide essential security training materials to help become a renowned infosec professional.

If you are an organization that has sensitive information to guard and no internal staff to find security bugs (vulnerabilities), you can use Bug Zero to hire infosec professionals and only pay for what they find.

Choose which tab you’d like to explore for more details.

For Hackers
For Organizations

How to Contribute?

When contributing to Bug Zero Documentation repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue with the owners of this repository before making a change. Read more about becoming a contributor in our GitHub repo.

Thank you to the contributors of Bug Zero Documentation!

  • JanukaD
  • charithccmc